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By Susan Clayton,Gene Myers

ISBN-10: 1118874609

ISBN-13: 9781118874608

People are inseparable from traditional ecosystems, and figuring out how humans take into consideration, event, and have interaction with nature is important for selling environmental sustainability in addition to human well-being.

this can be the recent version of what's now the top textbook in conservation psychology, the sphere that explores connections among the learn of human habit and the success of conservation ambitions. Completely
up to date, this ebook summarizes concept and examine on ways that people adventure nature; it explores people’s conceptions of nature and environmental difficulties, their dating with nature, and their ethical lenses on nature; and examines how you can motivate conservation-oriented habit at either person and societal degrees. all through, the authors combine a large physique of study demonstrating the function of psychology in selling a extra sustainable dating among people and nature.

New sections conceal human perceptions of environmental difficulties, new examples of community-based conservation, and a “positive psychology” standpoint that emphasizes the relevance of nature to human resilience. extra references are to be stumbled on all through this version in addition to a few new examples and a reorganisation of chapters in keeping with reader feedback.

This interesting quantity is used for educating sessions to senior undergraduate and graduate scholars of Conservation Psychology, Environmental Psychology and Conservation technology in departments of Psychology, Geography, Environmental technological know-how, and Ecology and Evolution. it really is both compatible as a place to begin for different researchers and practitioners - psychologists, conservation biologists, environmental scientists, and policy-makers - wanting to understand extra approximately how mental examine can tell their conservation work.

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Conservation Psychology: Understanding and Promoting Human Care for Nature by Susan Clayton,Gene Myers

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