
New PDF release: Haunted Colleges and Universities of Massachusetts (Haunted

By Renee Mallett

ISBN-10: 1609498496

ISBN-13: 9781609498498

one of the throngs of scholars attending faculties and universities around the nation of Massachusetts linger the apparitions of these who met their premature ends on campus grounds. In 1953, Eugene O'Neill, an Irish American playwright, died in room 401 of the Sheraton Hotel--today a Boston college dormitory. Named Writer's hall in O'Neill's honor, the fourth ground attracts scholars looking for inventive idea and a sighting of the ghostly author. A grief-stricken widow roams the halls of Winthrop corridor at Endicott university in her red marriage ceremony costume. She threw herself from her widow's stroll after receiving information of her husband's loss of life at sea and is understood to scholars this day because the "pink lady." writer Renee Mallett deals those and different eerie tales from dozens of schools and universities in the course of the Bay State.

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Haunted Colleges and Universities of Massachusetts (Haunted America) by Renee Mallett

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