
The Initiatory Path in Fairy Tales: The Alchemical Secrets - download pdf or read online

By Bernard Roger

ISBN-10: 1620554038

ISBN-13: 9781620554036

Hidden inside of age-old vintage tales lie the airtight teachings of alchemy and Freemasonry

• Explains how the levels of the good paintings are encoded in either little recognized and renowned tales comparable to Cinderella, Snow White, and Little crimson driving Hood

• unearths the relationship among mom Goose and demanding esoteric symbols of the Western secret culture

• Demonstrates the traditional lineage of those tales and the way they originated because the set off to push humanity towards larger degrees of attention

In his Mystery of the Cathedrals, the nice alchemist Fulcanelli published the lessons of the airtight paintings encoded within the sculpture and stained glass of the nice cathedrals of Europe. What he did for church buildings, his disciple Bernard Roger does the following for fairy stories.

Through exhaustive research of the tales accumulated via the Brothers Grimm, Perrault, and others, Roger demonstrates how airtight rules, particularly these embodied in alchemy and Freemasonry, are available in fairy stories, together with such well known tales as Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, and Little pink using Hood in addition to the stories attributed to “Mother Goose.” The goose has lengthy been an immense esoteric image within the Western secret culture. The tales advised less than the aegis of mom Goose hold those symbols and secrets and techniques, hid in what airtight adepts have lengthy referred to as “the language of the birds.”

Drawing upon the unique types of fairy stories, no longer the sanitized debts made into children’s videos, the writer finds how the stories illustrate each one level of the nice paintings and the alchemical iterations required to accomplish them. He exhibits how the typical motif of a hero or heroine despatched looking for an extraordinary item through a sovereign prior to their needs will be granted is similar to the Masonic quest for the misplaced tomb of Hiram or the alchemist’s look for the hearth had to practice the nice paintings. He additionally finds how the hero is usually aided by way of a eco-friendly poultry, which embodies the airtight realizing of the seed and the fruit.

By unveiling the key teachings inside fairy stories, Roger demonstrates the actually historic lineage of those initiatory tales and the way they originated because the set off to push humanity towards better degrees of consciousness.

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The Initiatory Path in Fairy Tales: The Alchemical Secrets of Mother Goose by Bernard Roger

by Robert

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